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Mod of the Month – June 2024

Mod of the Month – June 2024

His passion for customer support is rivaled only by his passion for gaming. He’s been called a beacon of tranquility amidst the chaos. He’s got sky-high QA scores. Congratulations, Donovan S. — our June Mod of the Month!

Lisa E.

At ModSquad, our Mods pick their own projects. So it’s no surprise that Donovan — an avid gamer — is working with one of our key gaming clients. Whether he’s slaying tickets in Zendesk or Salesforce, he’s equally effective. His goal? Solving tickets in the fewest interactions possible. By approaching each ticket with empathy, he’s able to zero in on the customer’s core problem and resolve it quickly. “You have to cut through the noise,” explains Donovan, who considers himself more of a knowledge broker than a run-of-the-mill support agent.

Donovan’s gaming preferences match his customer support approach. Instead of PVP games, you’ll find Donovan playing games that depend on collaboration — games like WOW and Pokemon. When it comes to battles, he’d rather work with his fellow gamers than compete against them. Gaming, for him, is about building connections and community.

Prior to joining ModSquad, he developed his customer support expertise in the healthcare industry. But it was his work as a projectionist that really sharpened his time management skills. Managing 12 projectors with 2 to 3 cans of film on each is a lost art.

Donovan has been a true rock star since joining our project at launch in November of 2021. He never ceases to maintain an impeccable level of professionalism and attention to detail and often receives well-earned kudos from both the client and customers alike! While our project has undergone many changes, Donovan has always gone with the flow. He's eager to help the rest of the team wherever possible, such as scheduling extra hours to cover a teammate in a pinch or to help with one of our client’s many ramp-up requests. Donovan is there to help! Donovan has been, and continues to be, not just a valuable asset but also an absolute pleasure to have on the team!
Julia C.

Thanks for all your great work, Donovan!

If you’d like to work with amazing folks like Donovan, Join the Mods today!.

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