
Dear Santa: I Hate Crowds


Holiday Truth-bombs:

  • I hate crowds.
  • I do not go to malls.
  • I have never been out on Black Friday.

Clearly, I am a bit of a Humbug about holiday shopping.  Or, at least I was….

christmas-shopping-connected-to-a-computer-mouseNow-a-days, I do the majority of my shopping online. I rarely have to worry that items are out of stock. I don’t have to fight the other shoppers or stand in long, boring lines. I simply lounge comfortably on the couch, under my favorite serape, and shop while watching Christmas movies (on cable, VUDU, Amazon Prime, Netflix or some other service).  Holiday luxury!

Technology has drastically changed the way we shop.  Now we can now actually spend time with visiting family or appreciating downtime with the kids, instead of rushing out for those necessary last minute items.  Sure, there’s a good chance we’ll still run out for “items” we may have “forgotten” (aka, code for a few minutes of peace and personal time, wink-wink, nudge-nudge).  The point is, the holiday traffic chaos, the harried crowds, the long lines for a register — these frustrations are just not necessary anymore.  Pretty soon the kids are going to think Santa is really the mail person or UPS or FedEx drivers!

Let’s get to the good stuff!  What are some of your favorite sites for Christmas shopping? My top sites are trusty Amazon and clever ThinkGeek. Share your favorites in the comments below!

Elizabeth Weil
Senior Account Manager